Let’s Hear it For the Dads!
Let’s hear it for the dads! We at Backyard Fun Factory want to salute all the amazing dads out there! Father’s Day is a
time we try to express our appreciation for every man who has poured his love and support, into
the lives of his children. Adults who had father’s that were active in their lives are given so
much. We know a father’s love and support is foremost what we receive from them, but that is
not all. Fathers really do make a difference in how a child grows and develops. Here are
some ways they can enhance their children’s lives.
6 Ways Father’s Make a Difference
1. Boosts Their Self- Confidence – Dad’s help their children to understand their value and
how much they are loved. Children who have supportive fathers are happier and more
confident. They usually have higher self-esteem and are better able to resist peer
pressure and stand up for themselves.
2. A Positive Male Role Model – Father’s give their children someone to look up to. Fathers
can model and reinforce good behaviors. They teach social cues and compassion and
generosity. They even teach you about the needs and rights of others. Children with
active father’s learn to have longer attention spans and fewer behavioral problems.
3. Different Perspective – A father’s perspective can be quite different from other
perspectives in a child’s life. A grown man can have so many insights into life, love,
problem-solving, and thinking in general. They can teach them some particularly important skills they will need to be successful in life.
Fun is Our Middle Name
4. Increases Their Intellect – Dads help us learn to handle our emotions and help us learn
how to problem solve. They help us learn to be curious in life and explore the world
around us. Kids who have had dads that were active in their lives tend to have higher
math scores and are less likely to drop out of school.
5. Teach Important Life Skills – Fathers can teach us so many life skills. Usually, the first
thing your father will teach you is how to listen. They teach things like, how to throw a
ball, how to ride a bike, how to tell a joke, how to find the North Star, how to stand up to
a bully, and how to win/lose. An especially important thing fathers teach their children is
how to say, “I’m sorry.”
6. Love & Encouragement – “Way to go son!” “I am so proud of you Mary!” When fathers
love and offer encouragement to their children as they learn and grow it builds their
children’s self-esteem.
We at Backyard Fun Factory all had dads that were strong influences in our lives. And let’s not
forget the Stepfathers, Grandpas, Uncles, Brothers, Sons, and other male figures in our lives
who helped mold us into who we are today. We are all better for the influence you have had in
our lives. So, THANK YOU for all you do, and have done, to make a difference in a child’s life.
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