Back to School from a Mom’s Point of View
Well, it’s that time of year again…BACK TO SCHOOL.
For a mom it is a mix of emotions. If you are like me, you are excited to have your schedule back and a little peace and quiet, but the reality is the second I drop them off at school I have regret. I second guess if I spent good quality time with them while they were at home or did I spend most of the time barking out orders to them. Mom guilt is a big kick in the gut!
Time flies before we know it. Cherish
the little things!
I will never forget taking my son to his first day of kindergarten. He was such a big boy walking in with his HUGE backpack and lunch bag and just turned to me, his dad and his sister and said “I love you, bye”….I was so proud of him! We got back to the house and I went outside with my daughter to play in the sand box. I realized I had not played in the sand with BOTH of them in a long time and without brother around she needed a friend to play with and I became that friend.
Fast forward 3 years when my baby girl started kindergarten, she was beyond ready to start school! She was a big girl and after all she had been going to the school to help out in the classroom (with me) for a few years now so she was very much ready. Such a “little” big girl with her bright pink shirt and GIANT pink backpack. I got home and cried, knowing both of my babies were growing up! I went outside to do some much needed yard cleanup and noticed the swingset in the backyard. And that is when I thought, “Did I push her enough on that swing?” and when exactly was the last time had I done that?
Fun is Our Middle Name

I will tell you that each first day of school is bitter sweet for me. My kids are getting older now, but I still love to pick them up from school and do something special for them. Don’t let time slip by, go outside and play in that sandbox, swing them on the swingset and LOVE them up. Pretty soon your children will grow up and move on so make the memories last while you can!
During this “back to school” season do you have a place to enjoy and reconnect with your kids? A place that they can relax and get away from the stress of school and homework. A place to ask the question, “how was your day?”. The best place to do that is in their own backyard surrounded by the people they love, YOU! Don’t let a single moment pass contact Backyard Fun Factory to help you create just the place for your family to do this.
Time goes by so fast, don’t waste a minute of it!
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