April Shower Craft for Kids
It’s raining, it’s pouring, your kids think life is boring, these crafts are fun, we’re all-for-one, we call this #ParentScoring! Seriously, though, after this winter these 20 April Showers Crafts for Kids might be just what you need for the rainy days to come. Have fun!
20 April Showers Crafts for Kids:
1. Your kids are going to love making it rain with this Rain Cloud in a Jar.
2. Jackson Pollock step aside, there’s a new artist in town and this Action Painted Umbrella the masterpiece!
3. Free Weather Printables are perfect for the kid who wants more homework (seriously, that’s my kid).
4. Who needs stained-glass windows when you have Tissue Paper Umbrellas? They are cute and cast amazing images onto the floor.
5. Your kids will go completely quackers for this adorable Rainy Day Duck.
6. We’ll all be Singing in the Rain with these fun Rainy Day Songs. And you know you need them. I’m 100% certain when it comes to the songs you sang all winter you want to…Let Them Go.
7. If it’s cloudy and gloomy where you are, don’t despair. These Cupcake Liner Umbrellas will brighten your day!
8. Every time I hear someone shaking Rainsticks, I imagine the dancing baby. Am I the only one?
9. Just watch your creative kiddos get their craft on with this Cloud Mobile.
10. Raindrops are falling on these pictures, and they’ve never been cuter! Rain Painting is something I can’t wait to do with my kids this spring.
11. Your toddler will love learning about the letter U as they study umbrellas, and you’re going to love teaching them what umbrellas are used for with these Rain Clouds.
Fun is Our Middle Name
12. This craft is cute as a Button Raindrop. No, it’s true. This is probably the cutest little button picture I’ve ever seen.
13. When the Rain Cloud Craft is smiling back at you, you know you’ll have a good day.
14. These Indoor Raindrops are the coolest thing ever and I want to make them for myself. Really. I want to throw a party and decorate with nothing but these rainbows and raindrops. They. Are. Awesome.
15. Preschool Rainbows made from pipe cleaners are the colorful solution to any cloudy day.
16. Clouds are cool, no matter whether they look like a duck, or a dinosaur, and your kids will love learning All About Clouds with these fun crafts.
17. Splish, Splash, I want to get into this Weather Bath. It’s true. Kick the kid outta the tub, I’m getting in. Blub, blub.
18. Make it Rain with this fun science experiment. And when you click on that link, you’ll also learn how to make lightning, and learn about storms!
19. Straw Painting will show your kids what happens when rain hits a hard surface, and they’ll have some cool art to hang when they’re done!
20. These Umbrella Raindrops are the perfect rainy day activity for kids who want to play with rain, but not in the rain.
So there you go! Weather (see what I did there?) you paint in the rain, or make rain sounds in your living room, these 20 April Showers Crafts for Kids are just what you’ll need to keep those little ones busy (and maybe even teach them a thing or two). Have fun!
Jamie Harrington @ totallythebomb.com
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