How Sensory Play Sets can Help your Child’s Development
There is an alarming trend developing as more children give up outdoor play in favor of sedentary games and television time. This trend can not only lead to childhood obesity, but it can also be detrimental to children’s physical and mental development. Sensory play is extremely important for the proper development of children, especially from the ages of 0 – 5. Parents who want to encourage good development and physical activity in their own children should think about purchasing sensory playgrounds. Here are a few ways that playgrounds from Backyard Fun Factory can contribute to your child’s development.
Cognitive Skills
Free play, especially active play on playgrounds, can help toddlers develop cognitively because they are constantly utilizing a combination of motor activities and sensory expression. Additionally, they go through repetitive motions on playgrounds – like climbing up to a slide, then going down the slide over and over again – that help to build cerebellar synapses and neural connections. Sensory play on playgrounds is one of the best ways to encourage cognitive development.
Motor Skills
Sensory playgrounds encourage the development of motor skills because they involve so many different body parts and require the use of so many different muscle groups and movements. Research shows that children who do not have well-developed motor skills by the time they reach the age of five will most likely never become truly efficient in motor skills. Playgrounds stimulate and challenge motor skills and are important for normal child development.
Social Skills
Children who play on playgrounds are more likely to associate with other children in a fun and enjoyable environment. Children must learn to communicate with each other and share with each other, especially when more than one child wants to play on a particular part of the playground at one time.
If you want to give your child the greatest opportunity to learn and grow through sensory play, call Backyard Fun Factory at 940-479-2439 today, and ask about our various playground sets.
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